
《Floating City 浮城》

 If only Aaron Kwok not doing too much makeup on his "Half Breed" character, it is even more convinced. Based on a true story, director Yan Hao are known for his realist genre film making brought the boat people trying to make it to the solid ground and live a better life. Although Josie Ho's mother character had not been credited on the movie poster and created fans dispute by showing much sympathy yet it was still quite debatable for her appearance. Don't get us wrong, Ho's effort portraying the mother from the boat people's living was truly reputable. The only shame was too much highlight on Kwok's role and had weaken the relationship between his foster siblings. Charlie's Yeung's over exaggerated acting remained unchanged by give the same old expression to her audiences, fans of Yeung Still love it. Overall, <Floating City> didn't really bring out the best for what it should have been made. For a less than 2 hours production, that was the best we can get. One of the surprises was to see all times TVB's cameo role actor Gregrory Charles Rivers performance has outshone many other lead casts in this film.

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