
《Declaration Of War》

Based on a true story of the film director Valerie Donzelli who directs, co-writes and costars with Jérémie Elkaïmand took years to film. It’s the story of young love, of Juliette and Romeo, dragged harshly from their carefree happiness and forced to confront life’s unexpected, brutal chaos.The illness of their son, Adam, will force them to face a terrible trial, to become adults. But as traumatic as it is, their suffering will allow them to blossom. It will reveal them to themselves - their strength, their courage. “Life is huge and full of danger”, and it is only in battle that our own true heroism can be revealed. This  heartfelt French film captured the mood and the memories of young parents who found themselves in the trenches fighting for the life of their child. Zonzelli chose not to cut so deep as to lose sight of the amusements and ironies that surface in even the darkest times, exploring how crisis changes us, what it demands and how we react. In her eyes, there is always be lights.

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