
《GLOSSYBOX Arrives @ Hong Kong》

Who could resist a surprise gift box  to be delivered to your doorstep? GLOSSYBOX is the  answer for women constricted by time and overwhelmed by choice in their quest to be fashionably groomed. It arrives on a monthly basis at the subscriber's destination of choice, this luxurious box filled with a surprise mix of five carefully selected,, high-end miniature beauty samples. For HK$120 per month, this lovely beautifully  wrapped box delivers cutting edge and on-trend beauty products with a selection of what's hot and what works in hair, beauty, scent and body care.
GLOSSYBOX works in partnership with internationally renowned high-end brands as well as fresh emerging niche brands to offer a diverse top quality range or products. It is now officially launched in Hong Kong and was originally founded in Germany. With this new simple concept that brings the latest cosmetic trends straight to your home and allowing you this very luxury. After all, it is the smile on that face that counts. Further details can be found on http://www.glossybox.hk

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