
THAT IS SO YOU 揮灑熱情反映真實日常時尚


阳光穿透窗户,照亮Miu Miu 2025年春夏名为DUETS广企有光就有影;有通透明晰就有唯心演绎,游走于创作和感知之间,带来层层相加的意义和深度。来自不同界别的达人,包括刘浩存、 Kayije KagameSunday Rose Kidman UrbanJoey KingLena MantlerEliot Sumner自然不做作的姿态和多元化的造型,呈现真实的时刻,暂忘复杂的现代生活及浑沌的成人世界追逐阳光踏进独一无二的天地

此季系列与充满童趣和儿时回忆的法国品牌 Petit Bateau合作回望童装的清纯气质,聚焦于简约精练的设计,象征新生和纯真,呼应未受虚荣和浮华污染的岁月。隽永典雅的 Aventure手袋和迷人的 Arcadie手袋搭配时装展发表的新款运动鞋或粗踭 Mary Janes高跟鞋,效果恰到好处。Miu Miu继续将经典再造,发挥丰富创意带来耳目一新的气象

Prada 2025年春夏男系列广企,透过Steven Meisel的镜头,由演艺界新贵Harris Dickinson粉墨登场,亦动亦静、时而开朗时而冷傲表演赋予肌理的真实个性演,将真实的自己呈现于镜头前演员的真缔,正正就是扮演自己。身上的服饰,亦随他的外观、动作和气场而改变,由经典男服开始逐渐蜕变,呈现眼前的是一个人的不同面向渲染他自己的个性真象他就是自己故事中Protagonist主角。


Maria Grazia Chiuri大妈为Dior设计的2025年度假系列广企宛如一首献给苏格兰象征的颂歌系列造型蕴含着叛逆精神,以及Mary Stuart的美貌与坚韧,在Brigitte Niedermair的镜头下化作充满诗意的凄美影像。光与影在瑰丽的环境中追逐,苏格兰的山光水色在镜头前美不胜收呈现出当地丰富多元的历史,以及传承悠久的精湛工艺。

模特儿展现不羁自持的女性气质,在暗黑哥德式浪漫主义与朋克的冲动不羁之间游走。文艺复兴的影响在塔夫绸蓬蓬裙、华丽的拖尾下摆和缀有珍贵刺绣的连身裙上展现。以永恒的苏格兰裙为灵感主线,将典雅的西装外套、外套和长裤进一步升华。经典D-Fight皮靴点缀造型,配合轻拥腰肢的皮带和Lady DiorNew Bobby手袋,烘托系列各个诱人的造型。迷人的旅程,勾勒出Dior自由自主、无尽创新的风格。

Dior 2025 夏季男装系列广企 Hylton Nel标志性猫作品启发,令人无法抗拒的雕塑感,其曲线和饰面借鉴了陶瓷语言在工艺和时装的交汇处编织出强大的创意对话,作品具有卓越与时尚的完美结合,在 Pieter Hugo 迷人的照片中熠熠生辉。Kim Jones构思,是对卓越工艺的精彩致敬,融合了实用性、耐久性和对传统工艺的重新演绎。在点缀着茂密植被的柔和色调装饰中,模特们在色彩缤纷的底座上摆出姿势,轮廓体现了这位南非艺术家的审美,针织品通过欢快的图案和印花升华,唤起他独特的宇宙。圆润的体积占主导地位,围裙是经典工作服的象征,以精致腰带的形式重新演绎美观与实用的结合对传统、现代和激情的多重致敬。


LE COMPTOIR DE PIERRE GAGNAIRE - Distinctive & Elegant French Cuisine

Fine dining in Shanghai has had its ups and downs in the last few years, but when there is the right symbiotic relationship between hoteliers and restaurateurs, it can be a long
 lasting and successful partnership, and that is the continuing success after 7 years of Le Comptoir de Pierre Gagnaire and the Capella Shanghai. mylifestylenews writes.

Renowned chef Pierre Gagnaire speaks through flavour and his expressive culinary legacy is at the heart of this famed French restaurant in Puxi, Shanghai and this is the one and only in Mainland China, so you know it is going to be special. Chef Gagnaire curates menus that focus on quality, local ingredients and the reinterpretation of traditional French cooking, but leave it up to the Capella Shanghai’s hospitality to create an experience that will envelop you in the timeless elegance of the French living lifestyle that had influenced Shanghai in the past and present.

Strategically situated in a quiet area of the French Concession area on Jiangou (W)  Road, this friendly and elegant French restaurant is located in an urban sanctuary where you least expected. As it is not immediately noticeable while you stroll along the quiet street and stand in front of one of Xuhui District’s last remaining clusters of Shikumen architecture.

Approaching on foot you become aware of an elegant facade and it takes a moment to realize that you have arrived at the Capella Shanghai - a luxury designed boutique hotel, as there are no large screaming hotel logos, but rather a discreet signage that is in keeping with the culture ethos of this unique neighbourhood. On the left off the main pedestrian thoroughfare that leads you through a public courtyard to the hotel’s main lobby entrance, you become aware that Le Comptoir de Pierre Gagnaire’s entrance is the first step into the Capella’s brick street frontage that embraces the city’s cultural legacy.

It is an intimate arrival lobby for a restaurant, as all the culinary beauty is one floor above, so you are escorted to the next floor and what unfolds is a sleek airy bar and restaurant whose interiors are inspired by the old-world glamour of Shanghai during the 1930’s.

Your first sight are the vaulted ceilings and an elegant and large oval shaped bar taking up the length of this first vestibule space in the centre, which then opens up onto one long dining space running the length of the rear of the building. But, it is in fact the ‘front’ of the restaurant where all the culinary magic happens, with a wall of windows offering views of the elegant public courtyard and historic architecture that embodies the Capella Shanghai. The view overlooking the courtyard and historic buildings is very attractive and all the windows allowed the dining and bar to be flooded with natural light and give life to the elegant floral displays and objet d’art.

There is a warmth in the interior design with elegant touches and you are immediately transported to a private salon which envelops you with subtlety and grace. The ambience is fabulous, with a mix of flooring that soaks up any extraneous noise, so conversations could be had very easily without any reverberance.

Alexey, the Restaurant Manager greeted us, introduced himself and we were escorted to our table, which was elegance personified. We were asked which water we preferred and menus appeared to introduce us to the essence of Le Comptoir de Pierre Gagnaire, the brand image and standard immediately recognized.

Lunch is either a prix fixe 3 course menu at a price that seems unbelievably affordable or an a-la-carte menu that is incredibly tempting. As a meal in this eponymous restaurant cannot go without a superb wine or two and at this point in time Thomas, the sommelier presented us to with the wine list, his attentive approach was rather engaging. With his wide knowledge of wines, Thomas was quite keen to encourage us to experience some wines that we were not familiar with, based on his reassurance and we knew we were in good hands with any of his recommendations.

We eventually settled on a special bottle of Soutiran 2012 Grand Cru Millesimé Brut  Champagne that we had never had the pleasure of enjoying and Thomas assured us that it was very special – as the annual allocation to the entire mainland of China are only 100 bottles and this is the 9/12 that we are enjoying from this allocation to Le Comptoir de Pierre Gagnaire. A very special treat indeed and it turned out to be a SENSATIONAL choice and the best value on the wine list that did not hit your hip pocket.

The Millesimé is an exceptional champagne and elegantly expresses the wealth of  its terroir with the aroma of honey, mashed pear, quince and red fruits, combined with an intense saline minerality. Ripe and mature fruit with an harmonious and rounded palate that lingers and the tensions and freshness of the vintage structure in its evolution in the mouth matches so well with what’s to follow on our order.

The service team on the whole were gracious and attentive and made you feel at home. We were introduced to our server Xiao Xiao while the order was taken and set the culinary journey in motion. The sequence of food delivery was always on point, as if they knew instinctively when we were ready for the next dish. The well spoken Xiao Xiao displayed so much passion and her very good command of English expertly described each morsel and dish fluently and with a big smile, so we were won over by her personality.

Naturally it was a given that there would be an Amuse Bouche and Le Comptoir de Pierre Gagnaire did not disappoint with some delectable bites finely honed and simply presented, although there is a lot of work in the simplicity to create such beauty on the palate. A duck confit with beetroot jelly, celery mousse with chicken are the stand out and words fail us as every small bite was heavenly!

True to Gagnaire’s honest approach, the menu is a means of expression and words can’t express enough with his dishes creations, complemented by innovative textures and bold flavours that touch the heart and soul.

<Duck Foie Gras from Beijing>
Who could go past duck foie gras in an eponymous restaurant like this? Firstly the arty presentation on a plate certainly delivered on the palate and was not overly wrought. Suffice to say that the duck foie gras fondant au naturel was incredibly smooth and rich, each additional ingredient added a little something extra on the tongue that created a delight in every bite. The fermented persimmon was a perfect companion to create a slightly sour counterpoint with the duck foie gras. The veil of Cognac with Saint-Germain liqour, lily bulb and brioche feuilleteé all added elements that surprised the taste buds in a subtle way. This is such an incredible rendition of the French classic that we couldn’t imagine could ever be better than this!

<Blue lobster from Bretagne>
It was a very large chunk of lobster tail which was redolent of the sea. The tail à la nacre thinly-sliced, mango velvety soup with coconut milk, grated lime. Modest pieces with olive oil, natural jelly, herbs young leaves sits on a bed of fermented pears, stracciatella cheese ice cream, beautifully presented to please your palate.

<Tiger Grouper from Hainan>
A well pan-seared chunky fillet poached in clarified butter with parsley served with delectable mussels soup with watercress. The mussels en escabèche can be enjoyed in endless ways with tender potatoes coated with orange thick juice. Such a masterful combination of ingredients and execution to deliver such distinctive delights!

<Cuisses de Grenouille>
This garlic butter frog legs is an added bonus during our visit and shall we say that it is a preview for the new feature on the next season menu instead. Such a traditional dish being enjoyed and eaten for over a thousand years that has been part of the national diet of France particularly found in the region of the Dombes. Its buttery and creamy garlic sauce was impeccably well-blended with the fresh and tender frog legs topped with a bed of lightly tossed watercress which was simply to die for. A lucky day for another recommended dish from the service team.

<Wild Duck from Beijing>
 Wild roasted duck was selectively chosen from Beijing in a very hot oven and thinly sliced en salmis served on a bed of slow-simmered Chicory rouge, red beetroot sorbet, mole negro sauce, autumn broth & broccoli with potatoes is an homage to the ancient French dish. A classic and flavoursome dish within classical French cuisine that was cooked to perfection and so tender on the touch of the knife.

<Poultry from L Élysée>
It is essential that Le Comptoir de Pierre Gagnaire can highlight such local produce and it comes with a story. Pierre Gangaire was one of the chosen few chefs to cook for an important dinner in Paris between President Macron and President Xi Jinping, so naturally they cooked a French and Chinese version to impress and this was the Chinese half of the dish and we can understand why it is a menu favourite. The roasted juicy Tournesol poulet from Guangdong was well marinated in a yellow wine from Jura region and accompanied by morel mushrooms cream, stuffed caramelized onions and spinach leaves. It looked like a heavy dish when viewing the plate delivery, but in fact was not, as the vegetable creations juxtaposed lightness and biting flavours with the richness of the specially bred tender chicken. The food speaks by itself and was simply divine!

<Pierre Gagnaire’s Grand Dessert>
Segment of poached pear flavoured with hibiscus, whipped cream perfumed with pistachio, nougatine / Frozen croquant & water of vanilla from Bali, pomegranate / Buddha’s hand macaronade, panna-cotta flavoured with lemon / Roasted Victoria pineapple spiced with Sichuan pepper, passion fruits sorbet, sweet wine veil / Chocloates: Cuba chocolate mouse, cocoa water, pampelune, caramelized nuts, cognac X.O. Pearl and black sesame seeds opaline.

This grand dessert consists of five different styles and flavours that is perfectly catered for those who claimed that they are full, yet they have room for dessert’s kind of dessert fanatics. Who doesn’t love sweets especially when it is delicately executed with blissful presentation and irresistible taste.Each of the five was a complete contrast in texture, flavour, subtle and strong, crunchy and soft and every morsel was so delectable and memorable and visually stunning. The menu description was not kidding when it said a “Grand Dessert” and there was an immense amount of work and effort that had been put in to tantalize your dessert craving for sure, each dessert differing from each other with their delicate ingredients used and applied to the culinary by bringing out such gastronimique exploration.

Le Comptoir de Pierre Gagnaire is a community, a fine chic venue (haven) with an unpretentious and welcoming menu for generous and authentic French flavours that you miss and they aim to please. In our estimation you felt an intimacy, but at the same time completely relaxed, which is not always a given in fine dining restaurants. Nothing could be faulted and so we can’t help to think when we can return. 

After seven years of operation they have closed for a renovation (mostly in the kitchen) with a little refreshing front of house, so we look forward to the next chapter of Le Comptoir de Pierre Gagnaire, Capella Shanghai and coming back to dine into the distinctive elegant French cuisine.

Tried & Tested:
Location: 5/5
Design & Decor: 5/5
Food & Beverage: 5/5
Service: 5/5
Value For Money: 5/5
Experience: 5/5
Le Comptoir de Pierre Gagnaire 
484, Jianguo Road (W), Xuhui District, 
Shanghai, China
Tel: +86 21 5466 9928

Reviews are based on actual day of visit and experience. mylifestylenews reserves the right of final decision in case of any disputes. All images are photographed by mylifestylenews team without any photoshop enhancement and are the property owned by mylifestylenews unless otherwise stated. 


W SHANGHAI THE BUND - Electrify The Sky with Distinctive Luxury

The futuristic skyline of Lujiazui in Pudong, Shanghai crosses paths with the famed waterfront promenade lined with colonial-era buildings across the Huangpu River which is there to marvel. Two of these vistas can be enjoyed simultaneously from different and unique vantage points especially when you are at the vibrant W Shanghai The Bund that electrifies the skyline, day and night with its distinctive luxury.  mylifestylenews writes.

We have not been back to Shanghai for over 10 years and this trip has been an eye-opener in terms of how developed this city has become with the old and the new and has opened our eyes to new possibilities. The old colonial Bund (Waitan) in Huangpu district is always one of the most sought-after attractions on anyone’s’ itinerary for a hotel location, but you could easily overlook the extended Bund district towards the other end of Zhongshan East-1 Road for a location to explore and discover the endless possibilities.

Best situated 200 metres from the International Cruise Terminal station on the Shanghai Metro line 12 and adjacent to the new Shanghai Baiyulan Plaza shopping mall, it is about 19km and 45km away from Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport and Shanghai Pudong International Airport respectively, W Shanghai The Bund is in the middle of the action in this magical metropolitan iconic waterfront neighbourhood in Puxi. The hotel is also only a 10-minute walk from central Bund and the nostalgic WaiBaidu all-steel Bridge.

Being the iconic luxury lifestyle brand with compelling design, unexpected experiences, and highly activated spaces, W Shanghai The Bund is even more popular than you could imagine, not only you can expect from this W way of fancy and energetic vibe, but to experience an abundance of unparalleled facilities and features that it offers.

We chose to arrive from the Pudong airport by metro via high-speed Maglev train, as it is so well connected and rather inexpensive – you can book a limousine transfer but the traffic can sometimes be bumper-to-bumper and not time saving.

As we arrived quite late in the evening, the front desk was rather quiet and we were the next guest in line. Despite our room was more than ready, the only minor glitch was our arrival check-in experience at 22:45 hours which seemed to take way too long (particularly after a 20 hour journey to get there) and we wondered why.

After the formalities we rolled our luggage up to our Spectacular Room type with the magnificent skyline up and down the Huangpu River and we were blown away with the panoramic vista. The 46sqm river facing room features a curvy wall of glass that wraps its way around the corner offering the view of the futuristic Lujiazui financial district, the seemingly Lego like park inserting architectural marvels such as the Orient Pearl TV Tower, Jin Mao Tower, Shanghai World Financial Center, and the latest Shanghai Tower that stand as symbols of this magical cosmopolitan modernization and Pudong’s rapid transformation.

The soaring 42-floor building is equipped with chic designed rooms and suites that fuses sophisticated Mandarin designs with playful contemporary twists. While the ‘16’ series corner rooms also look back to the older part of The Bund riverfront location as well, it also offers ample space for two to spread out multiple suitcases and hang a lot of clothes, plus a very long window seat that can be used for admiring the views or spreading out your outfits and new shopping.

Top marks for the window day bed lounge to look out to the majestic Bund’s view which captures the intriguing intersection of storied Chinese traditions with innovative, tech-forward modernism. Simply SPECTACULAR!

Good design also gives a sense of space in the bathroom which is bright and well-equipped, with a free-standing bathtub; a large walk-in shower and enough shelving above the vanity and toiletries are specially curated; electric bidet toilet with all the “bells and whistles”; a double vanity and brand amenities that were so bliss to use and to enjoy. The see through orange acrylic partial wall gives a sense of more space, but does not offer privacy (if that is what you expect) but is playful in the room design which perfectly fits the effortless chic W brand ethos.

The towelling and bed linen are top notch and feel quite luxurious. We were given a twin bed room and laying onto the beds was two pairs of gigantic chopsticks and golden dumplings in pillow form, but with each bed being a double bed, this was extremely comfortable for each occupant for an uninterrupted and quality sleep.

Light switches are blissfully easy to navigate and the in-room Wi-Fi is good. Welcome amenities included Xiao Long Bao sweets covered in bamboo basket. Mini bar may be small but well stocked with the necessities. A Nespresso coffee maker and premium TWG tea bags selection are offered, so ticking all the boxes here for the amenities.

We woke up fresh the next morning raring to go for a swim at the WET pool before breakfast. Given the extremes of weather in Shanghai, they sensibly have an indoor and outdoor design-centric pool.

While the outdoor pool is only open for the summer months (which would be awesome with the undisturbed picturesque Shanghai vista) and during our stay the temperature rarely went above 10 degrees, so we enjoyed exercising in the indoor pool that is larger than most.

Separate male and female Jacuzzis, hot and cold plunge pools, steam, sauna and experience showers in each of the change rooms that are set in a high standard separated from the cocoon haven courtyard relaxation area.

A Cocoon haven

A spacious FIT techno-gym to work out the excess calories for those gym bunnies that will not disappoint when you need to exercise at your own pace.

There is also the ubiquitous AWAY Spa should you need to get some muscle tension or relaxation relief. Such an array of engaging activities and amenities are offered to ensure you have a delightful staycation experience.

Breakfast is served daily at The Kitchen Table with the most amazing buffet spread we had ever seen and that is an absolute W ‘WOW’. Firstly you are greeted with an interior design inspired by a modern New York bistro and views of the Pudong skyline.

Given that there are 374 chic guest rooms, this venue has plenty of seats and is beautifully designed with different areas broken up by panels and the contrast between the main dining area. With different food sections well spread out from each other and the quirky design coloured lights hanging from the conservatory roof (they look fabulous at night) that leads out to the outdoor terrace to soak up the views. We loved the layout that avoided congestion.

The all-day-dining Kitchen Table doesn’t just serve eggs and pastry for breakfast, in fact it is a gigantic feast, not only for the eyes but also its orderly presentation. From delicious local Shanghainese must-have dumplings including Xiao Long Bao to grilled lamb chops and grilled beef (menu changes daily), authentic local noodles; congee; assorted dumplings; cold and warm Shanghainese appetizers and savories; freshly baked in-house pastries that are made with French flour and are delectable to the bite as well as excellent charcuterie, just to name a few……

The food quality is totally scrumptious and the culinary team has certainly outdone themselves and is there to serve. For a W hotel standard, it is easily surpassed 99% of the experiences we have had that we thought could not be surpassed! Besides, the top of the range TWG Grand Cru teabags are offered over breakfast along with good coffees which are sometimes hard to find yet it is served right onto your table in no fuss.

The service team also went out of their way to please and accommodate any reasonable request (we didn’t think they had missed anything anyway) and to top it all off, they even encourage every guest to consider a takeaway to enjoy some of the delicious bites in a ‘Grab & Go’ bag concept, which was unbelievable and a total add-on bonus to the brand. An assortment of in house dining are available to satisfy your appetite whenever it strikes.

Dinner at The Kitchen Table is not a bad choice and worth trying if you don’t feel like going out. Josper charcoal grill is used here that cooks excellent premium cuts or meat and steaks, plus a variety of salads, pasta and seafood which were all delicious options. 

Our highlights were the mushroom soup with caramelized onions as well as the Australian Wagyu steak which was prepared and cooked to perfection together with an affordable wine list on selection.

YEN, the signature Chinese restaurant that serves contemporary Jiangnan and Cantonese cuisine mixed in with some Shanghainese favourites , WOOBAR comes alive after dark to catch up with the latest gossip in town and LIQUID allows you to marvel at The Bund’s architectural mix while featuring live music with a speak-easy ambience and futuristic flash play.



While utmost care is taken to ensure guest's comfort, after three enjoyable and memorable nights, we were reluctantly checking out and heading back to the airport, but many team members had made an impression. The Front Desk and Concierge team are incredibly helpful, diligent and tech savvy which we couldn’t fault and they gave some great recommendations for places to go that was spot on.

Despite one of the staff member didn’t measure up at breakfast that never seemed to smile nor enjoy his job, there were so many staff that delivered great services, so a shout out to QiQi, Bowen, Sam and Linda from The Kitchen Table over breakfast and dinner, Claire and Fela at the Front Desk who wanted to go that extra mile and offer the most approachable service, Chief Concierge Jeff and his team-mate Timmy as both of them were truly amazing in their efforts to solve our tech problem. Everyone else exuded qualities that showed they enjoyed their job with attentiveness and warmth in their service attitude that we truly enjoyed. Kudos to the dedicated team.

From their inception, W hotels have redefined the concept of luxury by seamlessly blending chic design, cutting-edge technology, and a vibrant atmosphere. Besides, they also integrate local culture and art into their design, giving each property a unique sense of place.

“W” is often used as an abbreviation for “win” and is used to express a victory, success or positive outcome in a given situation, the lifestyle driven W Shanghai The Bund ticks almost every box you could need and then some, with elevated service and the arty W design elements where they have fused sophisticated designs and collaborated with local artists with playful twists that really put a smile on your face.

While each W hotel is a unique expression of its location, capturing the essence of the destination in an unparalleled way, the W Shanghai is a smart hotel with great staff - a good choice if you have business or even a pampering weekend staycation in this part of The Bund along Huangpu River.

W Shanghai The Bund reflects Shanghai’s unique mix of future-forward style and historic charm and has certainly MADE THE LIST. Be ready to marvel the marvelous and be welcomed to Shanghai.

Tried & Tested:
Location: 4.5/5
Design & Decor: 4.5/5
Housekeeping: 5/5
Food & Beverage: 5/5
Service: 4.5/5
Value For Money: 4.5/5
Experience: 4.5/5
 66 Lvshun Road, 
Shanghai, China
Tel: +86 21 2286 9999

Reviews are based on actual day of visit and experience. mylifestylenews reserves the right of final decision in case of any disputes. All images are photographed by mylifestylenews team without any photoshop enhancement and are the property owned by mylifestylenews unless otherwise stated.