
MB&F New Collaboration: M.A.D.Editions x Jean-Charles de Castelbajac

MB&F presents a double-first on the M.A.D.Editions project with the first Limited Edition and first collaboration with an external creator introducing  the M.A.D.1 ‘Time to Love’, limited to 999 pieces, created with legendary French designer Jean-Charles de Castelbajac – who has infused the M.A.D.1 with his unmistakable style.

MB&F founder Maximilian Büsser has been an admirer of the artist's pop designs for many years: “Jean-Charles de Castelbajac represents five decades of creativity. Very early on, he was able to create a unique voice and style, then over the years pivot, reinvent himself and challenge the status quo. Today, at the age of 74, his message of love and life is more than ever an example for the new generation."

JCDC has indeed never been a conventional designer, always daring to disturb, disrupt, and promote artistic chaos – he started by making clothes out of recycled materials in the 1970s, being the first to upcycle in the fashion world, before it was even a thing ! JCDC has always had a multidisciplinary approach to his work, connecting different worlds, collaborating with artists such as Andy Warhol, Keith Haring, Robert Mapplethorpe and Jean-Michel Basquiat. He is perhaps best known for his audacious creations like the teddy bear coat, his “poncho for two”, his Barack Obama dresses, and the robes he created for Pope John Paul II.

For the M.A.D.1 Time to Love, JCDC worked with his signature colors – red for passion, blue for hope, yellow for human warmth. The colourway is present on a newly-engineered rotor featuring angel wings, where one of the wings is heavier than the other two to optimize spinning. A bright green is also present and featured on the piece's hour disc; the numbers of the hour and minute rings are in Jean-Charles de Castelbajac's own handwriting.

Other details include a quote from the artist in French on the dial: “Ce trésor rare et précieux, c'est ta vie. Le temps vole de ses ailes blanches. is your life. Time flies with its white wings. You are the guardian of your time”). The crown features an engraving of an angel talking to the moon, a recurring theme in his art creations. Each timepiece comes with two straps – black and white – embroidered with 'Time to Love'.

Like with previous M.A.D.Editions, a portion of these M.A.D.1 watches will be reserved for those who have made MB&F possible: our Tribe members (owners of MB&F watches) and our Friends (suppliers) on a first come, first served basis. Half of the production will be totally open to the public, via a raffle giving access to purchasing the M.A.D.1 Time to Love.


BEING YOU 2024「型」春接夏廣企


要型得起,当然不能卖懒,时刻就绪装身,以“新”造型示范作则。 而时尚广告的发放,能够即时唤起你那短暂沉睡的欲望,时而热血沸腾的广企大片画面,更让视觉升华,刺激肾上腺,让购买欲倍增。 不造作,真情流露做自己,颂扬自我真实个性,优雅地型得起,做自身故事的主角。GUCCI ANCORA广企由创作总监Sabato De Sarno构想,发表其首次操刀的2024年春夏系列,强强联手和他初出道时刚投身时尚行业时首位合作的摄影师David Sims去叙述颂扬美,跨越 时尚藩篱,自我表达与隽永魅力的故事。 这位英国著名时尚摄影师的独有个人摄影风格,捕捉模特儿同步亮相的瞬间,活现虚实之间的几何视觉,透过合照聚焦她们各自配搭2024年春夏系列的独特方式,简约特显模特 儿的个性去诠释现实生活和真实女性的故事。五位新面孔Ana、Fadia、Jiahui、Nyajuok和Violet成为Gucci Ancora硬照的主角,同时穿上塑造日常优雅格调的基本服饰,展现美的多元面貌,流露自信和最自然的美感。 感性被视为展现美、自由与自信的态度,成为系列的核心主题,向每位女性发出切身的邀请︰呼召她们活出独特自在的人生,沉醉于唯有时尚方能触发的独有的 “仍然””既有”和“延续”的ancora情感。

而SANDRO的2024春夏系列广告大片再度携手Atelier Franck Durand工作室,并由造型师Joe Mckenna 和著名摄影师Chris Rhodes共同呈现。Rolf Schrader再次出镜,身着一件镂空钩针连衣裙、Achol Ayor穿上一件不对称金丝流苏连衣裙搭配标志性海军蓝风衣、Zaquei的廓形西装与米白色皮质机车夹克相碰撞、而Antoine则通过一件螺纹镂空钩针上衣为整体造型增添格调。整个系列将材质与色彩融合,并以陶瓷艺术象征品牌的创意及可塑性,来演绎与品牌紧密相连的艺术及创意世界。

和谐二字蕴藏在 Loro Piana 的品牌本质当中,秉持中庸之道:在人与自然、自身与各地文化、不同世代、原生形状与当代线条之间追求平衡。2024春夏广企由模特儿Selena Forrest、Jonas Glöer、Awar Odhiang、Rianne Von Rompaey 和徐奔锦演绎从多重感官角度描绘日本建筑和乡村景色中的平衡之美。多个线条流畅的造型、迷人又充满魅力的纹理和富活力感的简约风格,都让人联想到日本,其本质、尤其敬重手工艺的精神及对与自然世界和谐共处的追求。归根结底,日本是一种感觉、一种精神状态、一种从自然孕育而生的文化及深情的诠释。

由知名时尚摄影师Mario Sorrenti 掌镜,拍摄采用大量自然光,提升服装与环境之间的质感,并单独展示每个主题:走在街上或站在岸边、坐在田野里、倚靠在现代和传统建筑上去呼唤静态美,让人感受到与当地社区及平静祥和的环境融为一体,流畅的肢体语言,服装采用的色系和布料上纹理与外在环境的天然色彩和谐共存。
