

 <Old Sock> marks Eric Clapton's 21st solo album with 2 new tracks and 10 other cover version. This time around, Clapton has fully completed the transformation from elder blues statesman to professional musicologist. Fans of Clapton may need time to digest this album as this jazz-crooner direction is merely a phase of his new found voice. Perhaps, there comes a point in most artists don't really care about making record anymore but to produce and play the music they like instead of what their fans like to hear. Instead of cracking out his trademark blues-rock, <Old Sock> focuses more on the groove and faux-reggae to the country folk by paying tribute to his various influences when his parents listened to the same standards that your grandma and grandpa loved back in the day from as far as pre-World War II. Hence, you won't find much of Clapton's style in this album. The cover shots also looks like one of those cheaply snap from your smart phone. He doesn't look relax nor happy either. Hopefully this is just a stylish detour and we awaits to hear more "Claptonian" music for his next sequel. 

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