
6 Minutes @ Cyril "KONGO" Phan

Cyril Phan, a surreal name or better known under the internationally pseudonym of Kongo, Cyril Phan is a self-taught painter who established himself in just a dozen or so years as leading figure of the French, European and the world scene for his graffiti art. The Paris and Hong Kong based Kongo told mylifestylenews his plan on the new graffiti projects.....
I initially gained the fame as primarily a graffiti artist since the project I did with M.A.C group and since then I managed to move my technique towards a more mature artistry.
I have worked without much doubt to develop multiple skills for a couple of my clients and all the while maintaining the unique artistic identity and in keeping with my tradition of mural and fresco painting.
I involved myself quite a bit in numerous cultural and artistic happenings, both home and abroad. I toured around Asia ( China & Hong Kong mostly), Africa and co-founded the international graffiti festival in France. The <Kosmopolite" and the travelling "Eatingfrogtour" in mainland China and Hong Kong.
The project I just finished was called <KOSMOPOLIS TOUR> which is a project sponsored by Hermes. I have teamed up with Hermès to produce several silk scarves based around my signature style. A part of the proceeds goes towards my graffiti collective Kosmopolis, which supports young children around the world from underprivileged background.
At the same time, I was also working on an exhibition <Of the wall> in Singapore to Helutrans’Art space.
Next project would be my solo exhibition which take place in Paris in the Gallery Wallworks.

I am open minded and I'd like to meet with different artists. I’ve just met an amazing French choreographer, Khady Fofana, in Paris. I’ve seen her show with many dancers, it was amazing.
There are Hip Hop dancers performing on live african’s percussion. I would like to work with her, to combine dance and graffiti to symbolize the  “hip hop”unity, illustrating transversely, cross disciplinary art  and the need to build bridges between people. We are so different yet so close… Because we are into Hip Hop and that bring things alive
I am quite content for what I have now  and my career is doing well. Backed in the days, it was the opposite. The street was my playground and I was playing cat and mouse game with the police. Sometimes it was so hard that I wanted to give up. I got in trouble with the law, and got sentences. I can’t say that what I’ve done was good, but without all this difficulties to overcome, I won’t be Kongo. I’ve made a lot of sacrifice in order to be what I am today… For this I have no regrets!
What I really like to achieve is to get credit for my work, and to publish a book sooner or later. I guess this is what most artists want.
I have not lose any inspiration by far and yet to get tested the limits of my possibilities and creativities.
As for family, I would like to have a lot of children, to be able to give and receive love every day.

I would also like to create a foundation in order to receive children from the less fortunate. I would like to teach them graffiti art and to discover some real talented young artist. I would like to share the gift that I received from god as Graffiti really have saved my life.


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