Mind you once again, you are not watching the Indiana Jones series of films in CG but it is certainly an new adventure with great discovery. Based on the series of books The Adventures of Tintin by Hergé, the film is produced by Steven Spielberg, Peter Jackson and Kathleen Kennedy, Tin Tin had been part of the life that we grew up with. Without hesitation, it has a certain place in our heart that we all want such adventures during our childhood's growing up that Tin Tin had, at least it gave us lots of hopes and see the world through his eyes. We have to say that the movie is predictable but with great Image-Based Facial Performance and Motion Capture Technology with the impeccable production surely attracts many audiences coming back the giant screen. There are lots of great scenes that full of excitements and well executed. With John Williams' music scores made the adventure more entertaining. It is no doubt a very pleasant early Christmas's adventure......with Tin Tin of course.

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